In using this website you are deemed to have read and agreed to the following terms and conditions: GENERAL By accessing this website [and buying our products] you consent to these terms and conditions and to the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States courts in all disputes arising...
A Note From The Founder The truth is, I never was the type to take care of my skin when I was younger. My mother was in the beauty industry pretty much her whole life, and I remember her constantly reminding me to take better care of my skin. For...
Where are Babyface products made? All of our products are proudly made in the USA. Are your products organic and natural? Our products are kept as natural as possible, while still containing actives that will produce results. We do tend to choose lab-produced vegan ingredients over animal-derived versions in almost...
Questions? Comments? Feedback?We’d love to hear what you have to say. Contact us, we’re ready to chat.
Question: I came across your store and wanted to try your products. I am 40, and have several acne scars, scars from attempted laser treatments, and a few age/sun spots starting. What would be your recommended product for scar removal? I have not had any success yet… Answer:...
When we’re young, enjoying the warm sunny days of summer, we don’t think about sun damage. Which is unfortunate. And if you don’t think about sun protection on sunny days, you probably don’t think about it on cloudy days either; but the sun is still causing damage even on cloudy days, breaking down...
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